Josh C. McLaglen

UPM 1st AD, 2nd AD, Director
2nd Un. Dir.: The Ghost and the Darkness. 1st AD: Real Steel;Date Night;Avatar;Night at the Museum 2;Beowulf;Night at the Museum;The Lake House;The Island;Elektra;Constantine;The Polar Express;Envy;Scorpion King;Bandits;Castaway;What Lies Beneath;The Haunting;Practical Magic;X-Files Movie;Titanic;Broken Arrow;Dolores Claiborne;Blown Away;Geronimo;The Program;Sommersby;Alien III;Bound by Honor;Dutch;Predator II;Pump Up the Volume;Tango and Cash;Cold Dog Soup;The Blob;Baja Oklahoma;Leonard VI.
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DGA Quarterly
Josh McLaglen
Movies were the family business, and as 1st AD Josh McLaglen has tamed some wild sets. But his greatest feat may have been helping to advance the art of performance capture on Avatar.
DGA Quarterly Magazine Fall 2005 Summer Blockbusters
ADs on Blockbusters
Anyone who has been on a movie set knows how crucial the 1st AD is to the filmmaking process, especially on giant summer blockbusters. Five ADs tell it like it is.