Know Your Rights: A Series of Articles for Members Only


Many Directors have requested the Guild increase efforts to educate themselves, their representatives, studio executives and crew members of a Director’s Creative Rights. The protection of the creative rights of our members is one of the founding principles of our Guild. It is important for every member to understand that these are “use them or lose them” rights; each time we choose not to exercise them, we further the chances of their erosion.

To that end, we have created a series of "Know Your Rights" articles designed to help raise awareness of your rights, which span all phases of production and are foundational to the role of the Director. We encourage you to share this with fellow Directors and crew members.

See recent articles from this series in the links below:

If you find yourself with any creative rights questions or problems, please consult a DGA Field Representative or call the DGA Contracts Line at (310) 289-2010. For more information on Creative Rights and to download a copy of the Creative Rights Handbook, click here to visit the DGA’s Creative Rights Section.