Michaël R. Roskam: The Drop

September 14, 2014 A DGA Q&A in Los Angeles

A shy bartender finds his life turned upside down when a robbery drags him deeper into the seedy underworld of money laundering for the mob.

Based on the short story Animal Rescue by Dennis Lehane, Director Michaël R. Roskam’s brooding crime film, The Drop tells the story of Bob, a bartender who willingly turns a blind eye to the fact that the Brooklyn bar at which he works is actually a money drop to launder money from the local mob. When the bar is robbed, a series of events is set into motion as the mobsters want: their money back, to make the robbers pay dearly for the affront, and to make sure the cops don't get involved.

Roskam spoke about the making of the film in a conversation with Director Michael Mann (Public Enemies) after the DGA screening in Los Angeles on September 14.

In addition to The Drop, Roskam’s filmography includes the feature Bullhead; and the shorts The One Thing to Do and Carlo. He joined the DGA in 2013.

Pictures & Video

photos by Byron Gamarro, print courtesy of Fox Searchlight Pictures 

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