Richard Shepard: Dom Hemingway

April 12, 2014 A Director Q&A in Los Angeles

The bumpy road from incarceration to liberation is the fuel for Director Richard Shepard’s crime comedy Dom Hemingway.

In the film, Jude Law brings life to the titular character, a notorious safe-cracker and ‘stand up guy’ who spent a dozen years behind bars rather than rat out his compatriots. But during that time his wife has left him, his livelihood has changed, and he’s missed out on the childhood of his only daughter. Now Dom Hemingway is back on the streets and looking for a way to get back what he’s lost.

Shepard spoke about the making of Dom Hemingway in a conversation moderated by Director Jeff Wadlow (Kick-Ass 2) following the membership screening on April 12.

Shepard’s directing credits include the feature films The Matador and The Hunting Party, and the pilots for Ugly Betty, Ringer, and Golden Boy. He has been a member of the DGA since 1997.

Pictures & Video

photos by Shane Karns - print courtesy of Fox Searchlight Pictures

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