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About the Special Projects Committee

Special Projects is the educational and cultural arm of the Directors Guild of America. It provides opportunities for creative exchange with programs for members and industry colleagues to celebrate the history and achievements of its members, advance their professional skills, and prepare them for the technological changes of the future. Listed in the navigation to the right are some of the many ongoing Special Projects programs provided for members on the east and west coasts. Unless otherwise indicated, these programs are open only to DGA members and invited guests.
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Kazan on Special Projects

Elia Kazan

It seems to me that a Guild is essentially an organization of artists. Like the director himself it has two faces. One is stern, vigilant and protective; it is fully armed and it is unyielding. The other face is open and welcoming, curious, naive, even child-like, which is to say learning. Or you can say that a Guild is like a good parent. Its duty is to protect its members.

But -- and here is where it differs from a Union whose duty is purely protective -- it has the obligation to inspire its every member to better work, not only to show him he can do better but perhaps suggest how and where he might learn more and develop himself further.

This last function applies particularly to the younger members. A Guild passes on its traditions, sees that they do not die, that the lessons of experience are not ignored, that achievement builds on achievement. The Guild keeps the pride of its members alive, and that pride
is the pride in their craft and their work, in their profession.

-- Elia Kazan, Formation of DGA Special Projects
DGA Special Projects (310) 289-2088
Eastern Region Special Projects
Suci Madjidji
Manager, Eastern Events
(212) 258-0810
Committee Chairs
DGA Special Projects Committee
Special Projects
Committee Chair
Michael Goi
Special Projects
Committee Co-Chair
Rachel Raimist
Special Projects
Committee Co-Chair
DGA Special Projects Eastern Region
Eastern Region Special Projects
Committee Chair
Visual History

The DGA Visual History Program explores the art and craft of film and television production through in-depth peer-to-peer interviews of veteran Guild members sharing the journey of their artistic and professional careers.

Student Videoconferencing Program

Bringing film students from around the country together with DGA members in Hollywood to discuss career issues and the art and craft of directing.

Elia Kazan on What Makes A Director

In the autumn of 1973, Elia Kazan, director of such classic films as Gentleman's Agreement, A Streetcar Named Desire and On the Waterfront, was honored by a two week retrospective of his films at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut. At the conclusion of the program, Mr. Kazan gave this timeless talk to students.

Jeremy Kagan

Jeremy Kagan (The Chosen, The Journey of Natty Gann, Crown Heights) discusses his 40-plus year career as a director of feature films, TV movies, and episodic television, and his active involvement in the DGA including serving as the Chair of the Special Projects Committee.

Randal Kleiser

Randal Kleiser (Grease, The Blue Lagoon, White Fang) discusses his career as a director of feature films and TV movies, as well as, his active involvement in the DGA including serving in the Special Projects Committee.

Victoria Hochberg

Victoria Hochberg discusses her career directing episodic television (Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, Sex and the City), movies for television (Jacob Have I Loved, Sweet 15), and her involvement in the founding of the DGA’s Women’s Steering Committee.