John Korty

Features: Miracle in a Box; John Allair Digs In!The Crazy Quilt; Funnyman; Riverrun; Alex & the Gypsy; Oliver's Story; Twice Upon a Time. TV Films: The People; Go Ask Alice; Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman (DGA, Emmy Award); Farewell to Manzanar; A Christmas Without Snow; Who are the DeBolts? (Emmy, Academy Award); Deadly Business; Resting Place; Baby Girl Scott; Eye On the Sparrow; Winnie; A Season for Justice; Long Road Home; Deadly Matrimony; They; Getting Out; Redwood Curtain; Ms. ScroogeOklahoma City; Gift of Love.

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Visual History
Korty Interview
Visual History Interview
John Korty discusses how exposure to art and experimental film led him to documentary and feature filmmaking. He also discusses his Oscar and Emmy award-winning documentary Who are the DeBolts? And Where Did They Get 19 Kids? and his work on movies for television like Farewell to Manzanar