New 2012 Rate Cards Online

2013 Rate Cards

April 12, 2012

The new 2012-2013 DGA Rate Cards are now available online in the Contracts section of the DGA website ( The new rate cards incorporate the 1.75% wage increase for 2012 that was negotiated as part of the 2011 Basic Agreement (BA) and Freelance Live and Tape Television Agreement (FLTTA).

Also taking effect on July 1, one-quarter-percent of compensation will now be diverted to the Health Plan as an additional Employer contribution. The 0.25% diversion is the result of a provision the DGA negotiated as part of the 2011 Basic Agreement to give it the flexibility to help fortify the Health Plan.

These rate cards are intended for general informational purposes. If you have a specific question, please call the DGA Contracts Department at (310) 289-2010.