LCC Meeting 2016

Tenth Annual UK DGA Membership Meeting

October 3, 2016 A DGA London Coordinating Committee Event
DGA members living in the United Kingdom and Ireland received updates about the Guild’s activities when the London Coordinating Committee (LCC) hosted its tenth annual general membership meeting on October 3 in the David Lean Room at BAFTA in London. The evening provided details about the Guild’s efforts to improve the economic and creative rights for members who reside and work outside the United States in a report delivered by DGA President Paris Barclay.

Following a cocktail reception, LCC Co-Chair Jim Gillespie welcomed the attendees and gave a brief overview of the Committee’s mission and accomplishments before turning the floor over to President Barclay.

Barclay spoke on a variety of subjects including the history of the Guild, the preparations currently underway for future negotiations, the ongoing fight for more diversity in the industry, an overview of residuals and UK member earnings, and what the Guild is doing to protect its members worldwide.

Barclay also spoke about the need for solidarity to affect change for UK members and told the gathering, “When you stand with us, we will stand with you.”

The meeting concluded with a member Q&A where Barclay and DGA Associate National Executive Director Bryan Unger fielded questions from the attendees.

About the Committee

The London Coordinating Committee (LCC) was established in 2007 by the DGA National Board, which recognized the need to create a coordinating committee in the same way it already has with similarly sized populations of Guild members in San Francisco and Chicago. Alongside Co-Chairs Michael Caton-Jones and Jim Gillespie, the LCC’s members include Directors SJ Clarkson, Coky Giedroyc, Tom Hooper, Richard Loncraine, Roger H. Michell, Mike Newell, Chris J. Newman, Jim Sheridan, Matthew Vaughn, Richard Whelan, Susanna White, Stephen Woolfenden, and David Yates..

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